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What to Do If Your Vehicle Breaks Down
Feb 26, 2021
Claims, Contract Holders
Keep a copy of your vehicle service contract in your glove box at all times. Your contract includes important instructions you need to follow if your vehicle has a mechanical breakdown, so it should be easily accessible in case of an emergency. Although the information provided here is applicable to many contracts and situations, please refer to your vehicle service contract for specific details.
Take immediate action to prevent any further damage to your vehicle. If the vehicle is still in motion, park safely and shut off the engine. Note that if you continue to operate a covered vehicle that’s impaired, you’ll violate the terms of your contract.
Contact a towing provider. For convenience, your vehicle service contract may include a set reimbursement amount for towing expenses. Depending upon where the breakdown occurred, your contract may require you to have your vehicle returned to the company that you bought if from for repair. If this is not possible, or if you have an emergency repair outside of normal business hours, your contract may allow you to have it taken to any licensed repair facility of your choice.
When your vehicle arrives at the repair facility, show your contract. Depending upon the nature of the repair, we may need to see your vehicle's maintenance records, so please have those available in case they are asked for. Authorization will need to be obtained from our Claims Department prior to diagnosing the problem or beginning the repair. Please note that you will be required to pay the repair facility any deductible listed on your contract, and for anything not authorized by our Claims Department.
Please download our printable document containing additional information you can keep in your vehicle for reference.
We realize that a vehicle breakdown will never be convenient, but if it happens to you, it’s our sincere hope that you find your service contract helps make it less of a financial or emotional ordeal. Our number one goal is to get you and your vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible. Thank you for being one of our valued contract holders.